STONE: The Crystals App You Need In Your Life

I found a really cool crystals app the other week, that I wanted to share with you guys who are interested in crystals and crystal healing! Alternative medicine and healing modalities have become a serious interest of mine in the last few years – but it started with crystals.


Amethyst was one of the first stones I ever got. At first I just knew it was a Pisces birthstone, but turns out it is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT.

“Amethyst’s purifying energy is linked to releasing addictive behaviors and can help illuminate an inner purpose… When it’s time to surrender vanity, pride, and victimhood and start living with positive purpose, gear up with Amethyst and start really living.”


STONE is “the crystal app designed to bring a little light to the modern life.” It’s a gorgeous visual reference guide, with metaphysical properties and background info on a continuously growing list of crystals. To give you a preview, let’s look at a few of my most-used and favorites for managing life.

(click to expand)

Howlite is one of my favorites, probably because having zero chill is a chronic issue of mine… It’s a “heady, clutter clearing stone.” It helps with creativity, calming the mind, and improving emotional well being and attitudes, and effective emotional expression. I have a small piece I can carry around with me.

I have a big smoky quartz point on my desk – the app says, “when life throws shade, grounding Smoke Quartz acts as a super absorbent sponge that takes in the energy that orbits the dark thoughts, negative voices, and passive aggressive emails… YAS PLEASE! It’s good for clearing negative energy, grounding, and providing emotional balance and protection.

Titanium Quartz… Well, titanium quartz just LOOKS unreal — its vibrant hyper color is epic. The rainbow hues point to its multi-spectrum effects: life affirming, energizing, and fun. “Titanium Quartz can help keep the mood light. Like, candy colored rainbows light. Paid artists, writers, and funny folks can employ Titanium Quartz to stay sharper than crayons. Or, colored pencils. Or, fucking rainbow chainsaws.” 


Titanium quartz gets me excited (as it rightfully should if you just read what it’s good for) so let’s move on to a stone that brings you back into balance… Kyanite is a stone of alignment and is great for use in meditation. It helps calm us down, open us up, and gets our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies aligned.

My most recent splurge was on a big ass piece of celestite from The Hoodwitch. Celestite is about supporting your intution and getting you to trust it (for me, at least). It also helps relieve stress, anxiety, and obsessive behaviors.


The info on celestite is one of my favorites. One of the best parts of the STONE app is how it’s written – down to earth, easy to read and understand, and humorous. It’s relatable.

If you want to dive deeper and look into books on crystals and crystal healing, here are some I have and would recommend:

I was thinking to do a mini-series on crystals, would you guys be into it? Let me knowwww below!


19 thoughts on “STONE: The Crystals App You Need In Your Life

  1. Some genuinely good information, Glad I found this. “O tyrant love, to what do you not drive the hearts of men.

  2. How come it’s not available from google play for android?
    Would love to have this app. But not an iphone user.

    1. Amethyst is a February birthstone, Aquarius and Pisces are both in February (Aquarius is Jan-Feb, Pisces is Feb-Mar) hope this helps :)

    1. YAASSS I want/plan to! I am just trying to sort out structure. Any idea on whether you’d rather go by crystal or uses (i.e. creativity, anxiety, to chill out, etc)? It’s coming soon! xx

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