How To Keep Orchids Alive: Care Tips & Tricks

It is no secret that I am OBSESSED with orchids.


They have been my flower of choice for years now. I love that they require little to no care, and their blooms last for over a month! You can find them in a million colors and it’s so satisfying to watch such a gorgeous plant bloom over the months in your home. A bunch of you have asked me how to take care of orchids and keep them alive, so I am sharing all of my plant magic tips and tricks.

Basically… the key for getting an orchid’s blooms to last is how much (and often) you water it.


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I’ve tried a bunch of different ways to water my orchids with varying degrees of success. I used to swear by the ice cube method, dropping an ice cube or two in the bottom of the pot (away from the leaves and base of the plant) every week… I still do this when I’m crunched for time.

I recently got a spray bottle to mist my orchids with, both the base of the plant and the flowers – this is a game changing trick. Orchids should nearly dry out between waterings, but they need a bit of humidity to thrive so this provides that without dousing the roots and drowning the plant by overwatering. Since I started misting mine regularly, I only water about every 10 days or so.

PRO TIP: Misting orchids can also save your ass if you’ve let them get a bit too dry – you can spray the flowers and new bloom nubs to re-hydrate them.


Another important point about properly caring for your orchids to keep them beautiful and blooming is to give them enough light. You should know now that if you let them dry out, they’ll stop blooming. If you don’t give them ENOUGH light (indirect sunlight is ideal), they’ll stop blooming. A lot of people assume that orchids thrive in low light, but they really like a few hours of bright sunlight per day. If yours is in a dark area and looking sad, move it into a place with more light and see if it doesn’t perk back up.

Another thing I do to help my orchids thrive is place crystals in their pot. Moss agate and clear quartz are my go-to, there is a piece of each in all my plants at home. Using crystals for my plants has helped them to grow quicker, look more vibrant, and last longer.

If you want to learn more, here are a few in-depth articles that discuss the care and treatment of an orchid:


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