online shopping addicts anonymous: gift card giveaway

Is it Friday yet? I can’t. Lucky for you, I have good Tuesday news! I’m hosting a giveaway, obviously on Twitter. You can retweet THIS TWEET for your chance to win a $25 gift card at Pink Blush, an online fashion boutique.  I know how much we all love shopping online…

Now, to tell you about the kind of goodies they have for your wardrobe. There’s a ton of variety on their site (I’m feelin that kimono) but what I gravitated towards was the blouse pictured below. I love the print and vibrant color… I’m also a big fan of the high // low tops right now. My go-to move wearing this: high waisted skinnies, tucking in part of the front and letting it drape long and low in the back – slouchy chic.





Pair with a scarf or necklace and you’re ready to go from running around and doing work all day right into the happiest of hours and the night…. we all know I exist solely for happy hour. And brunch.

To preview what’s on their site, I put together a few of my faves and their links… ps: check out the floral kimono here.

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navy chiffon open back dress // black floral open back dress // lavender draped dress // navy 3/4 sleeve dress

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peach cut out blouse // white lace dress // scalloped lace dress // sheer chiffon blouse

The winner will be selected at this end of this week and announced via Twitter – you must be following me and Pink Blush to be eligible. You can also check them out on Facebook and Instagram. Happy retweeting!


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