Grill Meat, Eat Beats. #DirtybirdBBQ

4th of July was fun and all, but on Sunday the 5th Seattle was #blessed to host one of the legendary Dirtybird BBQs.

It was a beautiful weekend AKA hot as fuck, 90+ degrees and awkwardly humid for the PNW… I know this because my hair was frizzy. Ain’t nobody got time to sweat their balls off trying to straighten their hair in this heat – I pinned the purp back and got ready to dance.


The greatest people you will ever meet…

I need to pause and brag here for a minute about how amazing the Upper Left team is for making this amazing afternoon possible. All of my IRL friends who worked their asses off behind the scenes before and during the event are incredible and deserve a huge thank you for such a good time. THANK YOU!!! There were even men with misters cooling everyone down on the dance floor… They really thought of everything for this. Bless.


Photo cred for all the shots in this post go to my dude Jason Woo, who is the usual suspect behind the lens at Q Nightclub and probably has more blackmail photos of me/everyone else I know, than anyone else I know.

j phlip

Did you really go to the BBQ if you didn’t ride the shark? Bye, Ardalan… 

Check out all the photos from the BBQ here.


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